Witcher Schools


All witchers schools have the following abilities:

  • The trail of the grass is the same thus all witchers are stronger, faster, and more resilient than normal humans. They are also sterile. This does not mean that normal humans cannot beat them in a fight.
  • Steel swords for humans.
  • Silver swords for monsters.
  • Amour is always worn, whether it is light, medium, or heavy is more or less dependent on individual witchers with a bias towards their own school.
  • Signs (Aard, Igni, Yrden, Quen, and Axii) are known to all.
  • Alchemical preparation of potions are known to all even if not all potions recipes are known (or used) by all witchers.
  • The "Witcher Code" (more like guidelines) is followed while On The Path.

Witcher schools



Feline witchers developed a fighting styles focusing on speed, precision, and agility. The more roguish of the all the schools, their focus shifted into assassination instead of monster slaying.


Griffin witchers are adept magic users, especially with signs. Their secondary focus is in fighting multiple opponents and setting traps for them to fall into.


Wolf witchers are jacks of all trades, using all their abilities when necessary.


Viper witchers focus on venoms, poison, and oils to attain their goals, using shorter and faster blades.


Bear witchers favour the ursine heavy armour, favouring defence over agility.


Manticore witchers favour alchemical potions of all kinds.

Wikia and Official wiki as external references.